Wednesday 15 May 2019

My Calabar Landlady Wants To Kill Me With Sex, -- Port Harcourt Tenant Complains.

I lost my wife four years ago to cancer and was devastated. For a whole year, I didn't go out with any woman. I just kept to myself as I was not in the mood to date again. But the family of my late wife pleaded with me to move on with my life and find another woman. They acknowledged that I did my best for my late wife and God knows why she had to die at such a young age.  One of my late wife’s sisters took our only child so she could grow up with her kids but she told me I could come and collect her any time, any day I feel like taking her.

I took their advice but figured out that the easiest way for me to stop feeling the pains of my wife’s exit and move on with my life was to leave town. That was how I left Ofagbe, my hometown in Delta State for Port Harcourt. In Port Harcourt, I got a job through a relation of my late wife and I squatted for almost a year with a friend before I got my own accommodation- a mini-flat at Water Line.
My landlady happened to be a Calabar woman. The day I went to pay for the accommodation, she asked me if I was married and I told her I was a widower. I told her how I lost my wife two years earlier and how devastating it had been for me.
She listened to me with rapt attention and then told me her own story. She told me she was widow who lost her husband about five years earlier in a motor accident. She said she could feel my pains because it was something she had experienced too.
When I moved into the place, she was so nice and friendly to me. It got to a point that she started cooking and bringing food for me to eat. I tried to stop her but she was insistent on doing things for me. People started telling me that she was trying to befriend me or marry me but I didn’t take them serious. A number of people even informed me that she was a nymphomaniac and I should beware of her but I took their advice lightly.
Although she was so nice to me, I didn’t really feel attracted to her in a sexual way. She has a nice face, but her figure is not attractive at all. She is tall, slim and her breasts and hips are almost non-existent. In other words, her figure is boyish. I love lepa women but the lepa must have average to big breasts and a good back side and hips. But this my landlady is straight like a stick.  So when people were telling me she was interested in me and trying to date me or get married to me, I laughed it off because I just didn’t see how I was going to get intimate with her.
Then, one day, my landlady organized a birthday party and invited me and other people. As the party came to a close that evening and all invited guests were leaving, my landlady refused to let me go. She said since I was just next door to her, there was no need to rush home. ”Stay and help me to clear up the place,” she insisted. Of course, I obliged her and waited till the last guest left. Thereafter, two of us started to clear her sitting room which was used for the party and arrange the place.
When we finished, she was grateful and thanked me for my effort but I told her she had done so much for me so I could do anything for her in return.
She took my hand in her hand at that point and smiled broadly at me. I smiled back and to my surprise, she hugged me. This lasted for about twenty seconds and she broke it up.
“Come,” she said to me as she led me out of the sitting room. She took me to her bedroom, closed the door and flew into my arms again.
“Fuck Me!” She pleaded, pressing her body hard on mine. She let go of me and quickly undressed. Everything happened so fast and before I knew it, she was naked right in front of me.   She fell on the bed lying face up and legs spread out. She begged me passionately to come to bed and make love to her.
Without her clothes, she was really skinny. Her tits were almost nonexistent, but she had huge nipples. Her bush was absolutely huge- a real black forest- but looked attractive.
One thing about a woman, I must confess, is that no matter how unattractive she may be to you, once she is naked before you and asking for sex, it is difficult to say no to her. Even if you don’t want to, your penis would betray you. That was what happened that night. I just couldn’t resist having sex with my landlady.
I threw off my clothes and fell between her legs. She put my dick in her pussy and boy she was really hot and wet. She bellowed like a bull and threw her ass in gear. She wiggled and twisted her ass all over the bed shouting obscenities.
“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck Me!” was her chorus as I fucked her. She soon began to quiver and scream, “I’m coming! I’m coming!” She came and came and came. I was beginning to think she was going to come all night, but she finally collapsed in a heap moaning and cursing.
“Oh my God! Damn it that was good!” “I like your dick. It’s so sweet.”
We kissed and caressed and soon she started wiggling her ass again.
“Fuck me again, baby! Fuck me, I need it,” she begged.
Shou! I had never seen a woman that is so vocal and aggressive in bed. But in fairness to her, I would admit that skinny or not, she is damn good in bed and her pussy is so satisfying.
But my people, being good in bed is one thing, being a nymphomaniac is another thing. I soon realized that what some people had told me about her was correct. This woman can fuck like a bitch and she wants it on daily basis. When I’m at work, she sends me erotic messages and sometimes whatsapps pictures of her pussy to me that always get my penis rock hard. By the time I get home, she would have prepared a delicious meal for me and warm water ready for me to have my bath. After that, fucking will begin.
Because she is nice to me, I find it difficult to say no to her. Even rent, she is no longer collecting from me and I use her car all the time as if it is mine.
I know she will practically jump at it if I propose marriage to her. In fact, she is expecting me to propose to her but I am really getting scared about marrying a woman who fucks like this. They say too much of everything is bad. She is just too energetic in bed and it takes real hard work to fuck her to satisfaction. If I continue the way I’m doing it now, I am going to drop dead one day. Someone should advise me on what to do because I don’t want to make my daughter fatherless so soon after the death of her mom.

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