Thursday 9 January 2020

Exposed: Female teacher who sleeps with boys in her class.

A 30-year-old unmarried female teacher known as Laura Dunker, has been charged to court for sleeping with boys in her class—two of them inside her car and two in her house. She however pleaded not guilty to the charges and the case adjourned to January 16, 2020.

Police authorities in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA where the alleged crime took place, said Dunker was a teacher at Bedford High School in Ohio when she slept with the boys between November 1, 2018 and October 19, 2019. According to court documents, Dunker picked up two of the students during school hours and had sex with them in her car. Police say two of the other alleged incidents occurred at Dunker’s home. It is unclear how old the boys were at the time of the alleged abuse. Dunker who was charged to court on Monday 6th of January, 2020 was released on a $5,000 bond and the case adjourned to January 16th for hearing.

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