Sunday 18 December 2016


The dating choices you make can lead to the success or otherwise of your relationships. Dating a very handsome guy for instance can be cute and at the same time challenging. Having that Adonis that every girl idolizes all to yourself can be really fulfilling and a big boost to your self-esteem. But the flip-side is that it comes with a prize. A relationship with him is bound to throw up unique challenges you may not experience going out with Mr. Regular Guy.
For sure, dating a very handsome guy is going to bring you competition. Can you deal with the competition that comes with it? If you are easily jealous, you probably have no business dating this guy. If you walk into a public place with him, he is very likely to get some hard stares from ladies. Handsome dudes get checked out by ladies far more than regular guys. It is inevitable. He is attractive and appealing to the eyes and it is only natural to stare at something attractive. It is also natural that he would stare back howbeit briefly at those who stare at him. Sadly, you may “catch” him at that material time that he stares back at one of those ladies innocently or otherwise.   
You may be able to handle stranger ladies casting furtive glances at him on the street, at the restaurant or grocery store when you are with him but what of your friends and acquaintances? Girlfriends can be the real threat and not the ladies you found him staring at outside. What is more, you probably told your girlfriends a couple of things about your new Mr. Very Handsome even before they set eyes on him. You must have told them how hot and cute he looks before they met him. In doing that, you have brushed up his profile before them and this makes him even more desirable. Unlike the girl on the street, they probably know where he lives, where he works and where to “accidentally” run into him.
Mind you, your girlfriends may not actually be out to get him, but they will be curious about him and curiosity may lead to those vacant and lustful stares at him that could give you the goose pimples.
This guy is used to women admiring him and gazing at him. He has lived with that for years and probably been smiling back unconsciously at them over the years. It is a harmless and unconscious thing he has grown up with. Now he is going to see you as possessive or worrying over nothing when you begin to show your uneasiness over those unsolicited glances and his reaction to them.
Worse still, you may begin to distrust your friends around him and they in turn may start accusing you of acting “strange since you met this guy.” Either way, Mr. Handsome might just begin to drive a wedge between you and your friends.
Relationships are built on trusts and chances are that you are more likely to trust Mr. Average Guy than Mr. Very Handsome not for any fault of the latter, but for the simple reason of his good looks and the effect it creates on other women. When that foundation of trust is shaken owing to fear and distrust, the relationship itself begins to falter.   

Bottom-line is you must be ready for some competition (whether subtle or overt) if you are going into any long term relationship with Mr. Very Handsome. How you deal with the competition is key to the survival of the relationship. Bear in mind that his very attractive looks is bound to have a magnetic pull on other women the way it had on you when you first met him. Learning to trust him and ignoring those distractive stares from other ladies is the way to build a relationship with him. Better still, if you are the type that is easily jealous and cannot stand the inevitable competition from other ladies, it is better to avoid dating Mr. Very Handsome. In that case, the adage prevention is better than cure should be your watchword.  

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