Saturday 24 December 2016


SOUTH AFRICA is notorious for having the highest incidents of rape cases in Africa.  Sadly, the way things are going in Nigeria, I’m afraid we will soon beat South Africa to this infamous record.  
There is hardly a day you read Nigerian newspapers that you don’t come across reported cases of rape and other forms of sexual violence against women and children. Details of some of these crimes are so mind-boggling that you wonder if the perpetrators are really humans or “animal in craze man skin” (apology to Fela.) I guess it is the latter otherwise how do you rationalize a 51 year old man defiling a 2-year old girl or a 22-year old man raping a 70-year old woman? It is plain madness.
Sex is fun and beautiful when done under an atmosphere of mutual consent and respect for each other’s rights and sensibility. Rape on the other hand is an expression of violence similar to armed robbery where you take something that does not belong to you by force. When you rape, you hurt someone not only physically but emotionally and psychologically. You will agree with me that hurting someone was not what our Creator had in mind when HE designed sex. Rape is therefore an abominable act that must not thrive among humans if we must lay claim to civilization.
NATURE appears to be conscious of how strong the sexual urge may be in man so she invented masturbation and nocturnal emission to take care of it in case we may not have the privilege to have regular sex. As if that was not enough, man and perhaps with the guidance of Nature invented prostitution to further cater for the sexual urge in man. It is therefore not an accident that prostitution is the oldest profession.
Sex with a prostitute may not sound so moral to a lot of men but it is far more honourable, legit, and justifiable than to rape a woman or defile a girl. I would rather buy sex than rape a woman and that is what I will recommend to all men. Rather than rape someone, masturbate or have protected sex with a call girl. These are better ways and Nature endorsed alternatives to take care of your sexual urge when you have no willing woman to have sex with you than to commit rape. There is simply no justification for rape or the defilement of an infant. These are acts that even animals hardly indulge in.
Above all, remember that rape has implications. In most countries today, the punishment for rape when convicted ranges from twenty years to life imprisonment. Have this in mind if for any reason you may be tempted to have sex with someone by force. Is the 5 to 10 minutes of “fun” worth spending the rest of your life in jail?
Remember also that you would not like your sister, daughter, wife or girlfriend to be raped. That lady, girl or woman you want to rape is somebody’s daughter, sister, mother, girlfriend or wife. Why do it to others if you do not want it to be done to you? Think about that.

*This article was first published in Best Lover, Nigeria’s leading softcore sex magazine. ( Edited and published by Jerry Olorogun (Jerry@Large.)

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