Sunday 18 December 2016


Penis size is one of the commonest topics or issues that we talk about not only in this magazine but in the world of sexuality at large. However, for once let us change the narrative and talk about pussy size.
Pussy or vagina is an internal organ not an external one like the penis. As a result, people hardly talk about it in terms of size because they are not seeing it in totality. Some people (both men and women) actually assume that all pussies are the same in size and the issue of size has to do with the penis alone. Such a view is erroneous because vagina come in different sizes just like the penis and every other organ in our body. It is true that every vagina can stretch to accommodate any size of dick and something as big as a baby during childbirth but that does not make all of them to be of the same size.
A tall woman who is above six feet would naturally have longer arms, limps, neck, torso, vagina, etc than a short woman of around four feet. That is on a general level but since there are exceptions to every rule, we sometimes find big women having smaller vagina just as some huge men have small dicks and verse versa. We can rationalize it as variety at work in nature. The bottom line here is that just as men have different sizes of penis so do women have different sizes of vagina and you cannot use height or weight alone to determine what size they have.
It may interest you to know that some of the women who crave for very large dicks are actually women with large vagina. Because their vagina is so big, it is only natural for an equally large penis to “fill it up.” (As an aside, guys should take note of this so that they don’t allow mischievous ladies to mock them in bed and break their spirit. If she tells you your penis is too small, you might just let her know your penis is okay and the problem is her wide or big vagina.)
alking of measuring the vagina, the most commonly used measurements come from Masters and Johnson’s work from the 1960s. They looked at 100 women who had never been pregnant and found that vagina lengths, unstimulated, range from 2.75 inches to about 3¼ inches. When a woman is aroused, it increased to 4.25 inches to 4.75 inches.
Both human biologists and anatomists agree with these figures and they remain authoritative when talking of vagina sizes. The figures themselves show clearly that there is variety in sizes in women’s vagina whether aroused or unaroused. They can stretch to accommodate a penis of up to 9 inches or more but you will agree that a 4.75 inches vagina will- all other things equal, find it easier to stretch and accommodate a dick of 9 inches than that of a 4.25 inches. It is simple logic.
But one advantage women have over men is that they can easily make their vagina tighter or “smaller” than for a man to get his penis thicker or bigger. This can be done by working on the pelvic floor muscles. Weakness of the pelvic floor can result from injury during childbirth, numerous childbirths or due to genetic factors or nature that favours some women than others.
Women who have weak pelvic floor muscles tend to be very loose and their vaginal walls hardly grip the penis during sex. It does not necessarily mean such women have “large” vagina but it simply means that the tone of their pelvic floor is weak. In a layman’s words, we can say their “elastic” is weak. 
Kegel exercises can be very effective at strengthening these muscles and make the vagina tight and cozy. There is enough resources on Kegels on the Internet and I am not going to bore you with a lecture on Kegels. Just Google and get the stuff. 

*This article was first published in Best Lover, Nigeria’s leading softcore sex magazine. ( Edited and published by Jerry Olorogun (Jerry@Large.)